3.5.1. 前言

在 GitBook 版本中分为两个客户端工具。在低版本是 gitbook,高版本是 gitbook-cli。具体是从哪个版本开始分化的笔者已不清楚。

所以,这里就说下 gitbook-cli 命令的使用。也直接在命令行中输入 gitbook help 查看所有命令:

$ gitbook help
    build [book] [output]       build a book
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)
        --format                Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)
        --[no-]timing           Print timing debug information (Default is false)

    serve [book] [output]       serve the book as a website for testing
        --port                  Port for server to listen on (Default is 4000)
        --lrport                Port for livereload server to listen on (Default is 35729)
        --[no-]watch            Enable file watcher and live reloading (Default is true)
        --[no-]live             Enable live reloading (Default is true)
        --[no-]open             Enable opening book in browser (Default is false)
        --browser               Specify browser for opening book (Default is )
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)
        --format                Format to build to (Default is website; Values are website, json, ebook)

    install [book]              install all plugins dependencies
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    parse [book]                parse and print debug information about a book
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    init [book]                 setup and create files for chapters
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    pdf [book] [output]         build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    epub [book] [output]        build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

    mobi [book] [output]        build a book into an ebook file
        --log                   Minimum log level to display (Default is info; Values are debug, info, warn, error, disabled)

3.5.2. 生成静态页面

$ gitbook build

3.5.3. 运行服务

$ gitbook serve

使用该命名会先运行 gitbook build 进行生产静态页面,然后再进行运行服务。默认使用的监听端口(listen)是 35729,默认服务端口(server)是 4000


$ gitbook serve --lrport=<listen-port> --port=<server-port>

3.5.4. 指定 GitBook 版本

在启动服务时,可以使用 --gitbook=<version> 来指定具体版本,如果本地没有会先进行下载:

$ gitbook build --gitbook=2.0.1

3.5.5. 列出本地所有的GitBook版本

$ gitbook ls

输出结果示例(* 表示当前使用版本):

$ gitbook ls
* 3.2.3

3.5.6. 列出远程可用的 GitBook 版本

$ gitbook ls-remote


4.0.0-alpha.6, 4.0.0-alpha.5, ...


     latest : 2.6.9
     pre : 4.0.0-alpha.6

3.5.7. 安装对应的 GitBook 版本

$ gitbook fetch <tag>/<version>

3.5.8. 更新 GitBook 最新版本

$ gitbook update

3.5.9. 卸载对应的 GitBook版本

$ gitbook uninstall <gitbook-version>

3.5.10. 指定日志输出级别

$ gitbook build --log=debug

3.5.11. 输出错误信息

$ gitbook builid --debug
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